Introducing Jennings Consulting, led by Dr. Anthony Jennings, specializing in education program development and innovation, as well as near shore call center solutions for U.S. domiciled businesses. Education and training specialists, skilled at assessment, development, implementation, and positive intervention. In addition, with 30 years of near shore call center servicing, Jennings Consulting offers the tailored solutions for your operating needs, be they driven by contingency planning and redundancy, best practices through champion/challenger scenarios, peak/valley capacity swings, reliable access to consistent staffing strategies, or simple labor arbitrage – which you get more than under any of our models.
Knowledge, experience, and professionalism. Each team member possesses an advanced degree in education. Each team member has decades of practical experience as a classroom teacher, lecturer, school administrator, district superintendent, research analyst, or technical specialist. As experienced educators, there is nothing we haven’t been exposed to in the education and training space. We’re change agents, with contemporary involvement in evaluating innovating solutions through results oriented process improvements.
The U.S. economy is the strongest in the world. With near full employment in today’s service industries, it is consistently difficult to attract and retain capable employees. A quick check of attrition levels in your company, along with the time from need identification to filling open jobs will reflect the impact this is having. Jennings Consulting is experienced in matching these staffing needs to partners operating in locations near shore where these jobs are highly valued and sought after, satisfying the career aspirations of people who are experienced, highly skilled, and much less prone to seek other employment. These employment strategies eliminate the need and expense of brick and mortar as well as repeated response to turnover. It generates the quick deployment of human resources as needs arise, or added capacity is required. It avoids the expense of severing employees when seasonality or other business cycle changes affect your business. It ensures the continuity of a core group of loyal and committed employees, dedicated to your clients’ need and knowledgeable of the intricacies and complexities of providing those services. And, you get all of this for a fraction of the cost of providing these services for yourselves.
Most companies are finding more optimal solutions result when their processing partners are conveniently accessible near shore. Cultural synergies enhance service levels as near shore agents are familiar with the language and customs of America’s people, making it simpler to engage, build rapport, and solve problems to mutual satisfaction. Additionally, when travel is convenient and inexpensive in terms of time or finance, it encourages better partnerships through a higher frequency of in-person interaction, audits, inspections, and process improvements. Focus group sessions with the agents actually doing the work leads to enhanced commitment, client brand identification, and continuous improvement through hands-on, jointly derived best practices. For these reasons many vendor relationships are being relocated from more distant locations in order to optimize performance.
Jennings Consulting and our C.E.O., Tony Jennings, have the benefit of decades solving problems and generating opportunities through education and training as core competencies. Furthermore, we have decades of partnership and engagement of near shore solutions to operating business needs and problem solving actions. We have built a network of relationships in the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Latin America with companies committed to excellence in a wide range of service areas. We know where specialized knowledge, skills, and capacity reside, and can tailor your needs to the appropriate service provider. All service providers in our network are credible, reliable, and possess the appropriate business certifications. They all currently provide service to a cadre of respected brands, well regarded in their industries. Continuity of service through redundant sites and communications networks, generators and uninterrupted power sources, and secure facilities and telecommunications networks are in place and available for your inspection. The depth of our understanding of the capabilities and infrastructure of the service providers we represent enables ongoing enhancement of optimal performance and continuous improvement. Our commitment and involvement do not end at any time prior to or during your relationship. We provide near shore partnerships, exclusively. We do not and will not participate in moving U.S. manufacturing jobs off shore. Rather, work that people have historically migrated to the U.S. to find is now technologically made available in their western hemisphere locations, enhancing these outlets for your products and services as well as these sources of capacity. When you engage for near shore capacity through Jennings Consulting, there is no cost to you. The partners we engage with are the sole source of our revenue.